“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
Modern Family, the acclaimed sitcom, introduced us to three interconnected families and an unforgettable cast. Among them, ...
From Emmy and Golden Globe winners to addictive competition shows, check out one of these binge-worthy series on Netflix.
Jon Hamm plays Monty, the president of a multibillion-dollar oil company who previously suffered a heart attack.
In Modern Family's "The Alliance," Gloria, Phil & Cam pull off a hilarious heist, showcasing both absurd humor and the show's ...
Running for 11 seasons from 2009 to 2020, the ABC comedy took the mockumentary format, popularized by sitcoms like "The ...
Multiple massive wildfires tore across the Los Angeles area with devastating force early Wednesday, destroying more than 1,000 structures and killing at least ...
Longtime Pirates broadcaster Bob Prince had a nickname for Bob Veale’s fastball: a “radio ball.” Why did it get that moniker? Well, you could hear it, but you couldn’t see it. Veale and that radio ...
Celebrate the season with timeless Christmas song classics. Enjoy holiday tunes that bring festive cheer and warm memories for everyone.
"Severance" is one of the most critically acclaimed recent TV series, and Academy Award-winning star Arquette spoke to Newsweek.
Modern Family is one of the most famous family comedy-drama series ... Detaila explored as shown in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Season 1 finale ...
Following a loaded content drop with season start, Season 1 Reloaded brought with it a huge new Zombies map, a winter event, and more. Suffice it to say, a tantalizing precedent has been set as we ...