That means thanks to the Bradford Pear Bounty program, the landscape is rid of thousands of the trees that stink like rotten ...
Whether you opt for border plantings, cascading blooms, or select a variety that’s known as a trap crop to lure harmful ...
Authorities arrested an undocumented immigrant in Dorchester County, South Carolina, for allegedly stealing money from homeowners in a contractor scam.
The flowers of yellow jessamine are powerfully sweet in fragrance, but deadly poisonous to many animals, including humans, and not a favorite of invertebrates.
The storm upended the Upstate, leaving the hurt to heal, scattering debris and damage, but also lifting a spirit of ...
Greenville Theatre is proud to sit at the helm of the Upstate’s thriving theatre scene.  This is GT’s season 99! Entertaining more audience members than any other locally ...
The University of South Carolina baseball team fell in its SEC road opener, 12-2, in seven innings to No. 3 Arkansas Friday ...