The Rev. Shanell Turpin, 43, celebrated her one-year anniversary leading the Second Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday after ...
A Mitchell County church was damaged just hours before it's scheduled Sunday morning service while the nearby Community Center was destroyed ...
When your father, your grandfather, your great-grandfather and other men in your family have served as pastors, it’s assumed you will follow in their faith footsteps.
This piece contains analysis of the 2023 Annual Church Profile (ACP). The 2024 ACP data will be released later this year.
While arguments against Christian women taking leadership roles often cited Bible verses, Baylor historian Beth Allison Barr ...
For more than two decades, the Rev. Stella Dodson has been the pastor for Forksville Baptist Church and its congregation.
Matthew Queen, a former professor and administrator at the school, faced charges in May for his involvement and pleaded ...
The U.S. Department of Justice has closed its investigation into the Southern Baptist Convention and its executive committee ...
The $1.25 million project was expected to be completed late in the summer. However, the first service in the new sanctuary may take place on June 1.
A local church in Pearl that has been a staple in that community for hundreds of years partially collapsed. It sits off Old ...
The preliminary injunction from the Maryland-based judge only applies to the plaintiffs, which also include a Georgia-based network of Baptist churches and a Sikh temple in California. They sued after ...
“Today’s ruling is a powerful affirmation of the values that have defined the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship — a steadfast commitment to religious liberty, local church autonomy, and the clear ...