The film follows Lilo (Maia Kealoha) and her sister, Nani (Sydney Elizebeth Agudong), when their lives are thrown into chaos upon discovering an alien named stitch, who crash-landed on their island ..
Matheesha Pabasara (16) a grade 11 student of Sri Deerananda Vidyarathana Privena, Thambiligasmulla, Makola won the gold medal in the Under 16 – 17 kata event at the Sri Lanka Schools Senior Karate ...
The ultimate showdown of the Karate Kid franchise will be released next year, breaking the boundaries between Ralph Macchio's Daniel LaRusso in the original 1984 The Karate Kid and Jackie Chan's ...
The Hack was used six times in 2023. The answer to the hack was a YES three times, and the panel went 2-for-3. The only ...
Legends film will be looking to break a somewhat tiresome franchise trend that has even continued into Cobra Kai.
23rd January 2025: We added new SpongeBob Tower Defense codes. SpongeBob Tower Defense is a Roblox game based on the beloved Nickelodeon cartoon series SpongeBob SquarePants. Like other tower ...
SpongeBob Tower Defense codes will come in handy when players want to transform their units (towers) into the most formidable summons on the server. In this SpongeBob-themed tower defense title ...
Around 250 people holding British Overseas Territories citizenship live on the archipelago's only inhabited island, also called Tristan da Cunha, in a community known as Edinburgh of the Seven Seas.
While responding to a question raised in the Parliament today (23) Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya said that the previous... Aryna Sabalenka will have the chance to become the first woman in 26 ...
Keep up-to-date with all the latest gossip and stories of Love Island 2025 here. Season two premiered on Monday night and fans of the show can't get enough of the host's wardrobe ...