Sunita Ahuja also said that since Varun Dhawan has seen Govinda's work since his childhood, “a little resemblance might be ...
In a recent interview, Sunita Ahuja opened up about Varun Dhawan often being compared to her husband, Govinda. Govinda has ...
Their marriage took place in the intimate setting of Hema’s brother’s house, keeping things traditional and low-key, just as ...
Sunita said that while the comparisons exist, Varun is a talented actor in his own right, and he has developed his unique style over the years.
Varun Dhawan might have been born into a film family. But over the past years, he made a name for himself because of his ...
Ranbir Kapoor doesn't have a release in 2025 but it's a crucial year to lay the foundation for the next few years. You will ...
Today's moviegoers strongly choose OTT platforms. This article features a list of Tamil movies, Web series, and dubbed films ...
Govinda's wife, Sunita Ahuja, recently shared her thoughts on comparisons between her son Varun Dhawan and her husband ...
Sunita also expressed her confusion and concern over the constant comparisons being made between Varun and Govinda.