Picking up where "Superman: The Movie" left off, three criminals, General Zod (Terence Stamp), Ursa, (Sarah Douglas), and Non (Jack O'Halloran) from the planet Krypton are released from the ...
In Superman #23 by Joshua Williamson and Dan Mora, the stakes rise as Zod makes a shocking comeback, sparking a major event ...
In event, Superman has really been heating up. The book introduced an all-new version of the Time Trapper: Doomsday, one with ...
James Gunn's Superman is set to take flight just under fourth months, but we're hearing that the filmmaker still has some "major casting surprises" in store for ...
After proposing in Superman Vol. 2 #50, Clark realizes he needs to finally ... Later, DC revealed that Chris was actually General Zod’s son who previously inhabited the Phantom Zone shortly ...