Explore the lyrics of Taylor Swift's "So Long, London" and uncover the emotions behind her departure by understanding the story of change, & moving forward.
Michael J. Urick doesn’t consider himself a Swiftie. While he does appreciate some of Taylor Swift’s hit tunes, the Saint Vincent College faculty member has an even greater appreciation for the leader ...
However, according to a previous report by respected Hollywood insider Daniel Richtman, Swift is also considering making her ...
For those unaware, in 2019, the Wildest Dreams singer accused Bieber and his former manager, Scooter Braun, of bullying her, per Marca. This all happened after Braun acquired Big Machine Records, ...
Matty Healy is reportedly working on a memoir, and fans are wondering if it will touch on his brief romance with Taylor Swift ...
Taylor Swift released her first album when she was a teenager. She said people sometimes made disparaging comments about her ...
The 1975 star Matty Healy is said to be writing a new memoir exploring his life and times as a member of a hit boyband. This ...
Spotify paid out a total of $9.9 billion (€9.1 billion) to artists last year, with Taylor taking the largest share. In ...
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce enjoy rare downtime with romantic getaways and NYC dinner dates. See how the power couple is ...