Once upon a time, to be 'mainstream' was to rule the world of music. Today? Not so much. Today, mainstream music is just one ...
One such admirer happens to be on set. Twenty-four-year-old actor Deep Jangid beams as he is introduced to his co-star, Alia.
Proponents of the move say they can address inclusivity in the district’s strategic plan. Opponents say it sends the wrong ...
Julia Max's feature film debut The Surrender, starring The Boys star Colby Minifie, is getting very positive early reactions ...
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"Long Bright River" co-creators Liz Moore and Nikki Toscano on the biggest changes from the book, Amanda Seyfried's prep and ...
Sawyer Anderson's four-point play sparked the Cross County boys, who rode their defense the rest of the way as a late 10-0 ...
I have loved Into the Woods ever since I saw the 1987 production on PBS. The way it mashed up all those fairy tales into one ...
This Women's History Month, celebrate with this intersectional list of nonfiction titles about feminism, theory, history, and ...
It’s was long before any of the currently players were on the team. But the Wildcats didn’t show that on Thursday in the ...
The culture wars are heating up the stacks as more than a third of the books banned during the 2023-2024 school year featured ...
It was with a frisson of anticipatory delight that I crossed the threshold of Tom Burr’s warehouse in Connecticut, two hours ...