The latest measure, sponsored by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat from New Hampshire, follows years of delays and efforts to have Harriet Tubman replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.
A Republican congressman wants to create a new $250 U.S. dollar bill featuring Donald Trump’s face, but the proposal faces an immediate ... slaves through the Underground Railroad, on the $20 bill.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing currently prints $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes. Previous higher denominations ...
Congressman Brandon Gill has put forward a bill that would see President Donald Trump’s face on the American $ ... persons from being featured on U.S. dollar bills. But hey, whatever it takes ...
South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson said Tuesday that he was drafting legislation to design a $250 bill featuring Donald J. Trump. Say what?
Image: Robert MacIntyre wears a Oban Celtic Shinty club jersey on hole 16 during the third round of the WM Phoenix Open "It's going to be rough" - Robert MacIntyre says dollar bills being throw ...
That bill was approved as a carrot to lure the Montreal ... announce expansion by the end of the decade. Cheek did not put a dollar figure on that so-called modernization on Monday, but sources ...
On Tuesday, as President Donald Trump told Americans that a minerals deal with Ukraine might be a “trillion-dollar ... 2 bill, Abraham Lincoln is on the $5 bill, Andrew Jackson is on the $20 ...
Tracy Glantz Those who carry cash would have a denomination as an option with President Donald Trump’s face ... to propose a $250 dollar bill to include the president ...
While Americans are still waiting for abolitionist and social activist Harriet Tubman to be seen on the $20 bill, Congressman ...