In a loving relationship, there are eight key commitments you should always keep in mind to thrive as a couple. Let us share ...
Find the best Kids' Valentine's Day children's books to read aloud near and on Valentine's Day. These holiday stories are ...
US president Donald Trump has brought the discussion about transgenders to the forefront by announcing that there are only two genders, male and female, in his inauguration speech.
Adult children can express patience to their parents in a number of verbal and nonverbal ways, especially amid the transition into early adulthood and the chaos of life as an "empty-nester." Whether ...
You can also encourage your child to be a good and supportive friend. One way to do this is by being an active listener. This ...
The words we say to our kids can shape their confidence, self-worth, and future. So what are the phrases parents regret the ...
The summit includes panels on the child’s right to resources, to education, to food and health care, to family, to free time, ...
Hundreds of children in Buffalo received free books this week as part of the "If You Give a Child a Book" campaign, supported by the Scripps Howard Fund.