Our international institutions simply are not designed to address systemic issues indifferent to national borders ...
On April 24, the international community will celebrate the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace.
The United Nations will get a "facelift" as it turns 80 amid a cash crisis this year, seeking ways to improve efficiency and ...
Very briefly, according to the UN website: “The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently ...
Eight decades after the United Nations was established to prevent another world war and manage conflicts through diplomacy rather than violence, humanity finds itself paralyzed in the face of new ...
Not content with defunding and quitting the United Nations, U.S. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) also wants to expel representatives and employees of the International Criminal Court from ...
A peace settlement to end a major war can be an opportunity to reorder the world. After the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in ...
Eighty years ago, during World War II, the United States operated full-scale military operations worldwide while planning how ...
In the 80 years since the U.S. attacks on Japan, no other country has used a nuclear weapon in war. That remarkable record ...
When Donald Trumps benefactor and cost-cutter-in-chief Elon Musk recently supported a call for the United States to quit NATO ...
The Irish approach to foreign policy should not be to exaggerate our purity or indulge dictators, but neither should we ...