Bishop George E. Battle Jr. understood the challenges of humble beginnings. Bishop Battle, who died March 9 at age 77, was a retired senior bishop of the African Methodist Episcop ...
Despite the creatures’ regenerative abilities, scientists are no longer finding them in their natural habitat of Xochimilco, ...
"A week later, the local paper had a joint obituary for the murderer and his victim. They had a joint funeral and were buried ...
The miraculous origin of the spring at Lourdes in France is well-documented, but in Ireland, there are about 3,000 holy wells ...
A convicted double murderer has been executed by firing squad, the first such execution in the United States since 2010, ...
During arguments, there was never enough space, so passengers would ask to come down and fight, hence the name of the vehicle ...
Another year around the sun is always a milestone to celebrate. And when an outstanding personality, a unique leader, ...
Vladimir’s Ukrainian Church asked for adult cold medicine, children’s melatonin ... a blessing from above,” Myronyuk asked of his God at Urban Co-Works on North Washington Avenue in Scranton.
“Nowhere does God in the New Testament give man the authority ... Emeritus Professor of Clinical Surgery at The Ohio State University College of Medicine told CNN Sunday.
By Louis Amoke Another year around the sun is always a milestone to celebrate. And when an outstanding personality, a unique ...
Another year around the sun is always a milestone to celebrate. And when an outstanding personality, a unique leader, ...