Chronic dizziness and imbalance often lead to anxiety, social isolation, and reduced confidence. Studies utilizing quality-of-life measures show that successful vestibular rehabilitation ...
Recognizing that a common physical symptom of anxiety is dizziness can help us to avoid jumping to the conclusion that any feeling of imbalance is vertigo or a deeper vestibular system problem.
He decided to visit the Hearing Partners clinic, which offers comprehensive hearing and vestibular (balance ... may have other issues that can cause imbalance, like weak muscles and poor eyesight.” ...
o Vestibular migraines ... can also lead to lightheadedness. Imbalance: A feeling of unsteadiness or fear of falling. · Can result from a combination of factors—orthopedic, neurological ...
"Dizzy" and "off-balance" may seem interchangeable, but the sensations are unique and don't always accompany one another. For ...
The abnormal anterior translation of the GHJ within this group can be due to a combination of several factors: excessive anterior capsular laxity, scapular dyskinesis, tight posterior capsule, ...
The other two patients with lateralised vestibular disease made inappropriate steering adjustments in the direction of the imbalance of vestibular tone.
(2) Bilateral vestibular hypofunction shown on caloric irrigation (sum ... evaluate their postural instability on a simple Ataxia Numeric Scale (ANS) from 0 (no imbalance) to 10 (worst possible ...