West Virginia’s long history of coal mining does not come without tragedy, and the morning of March 2, 1915, turned into one of the deadliest mining disasters in the New River Gorge area.
West Virginia Governor Patrick Morrisey has released a statement saying a West Virginia man died in a coal mining accident in Boone County.
Two of West Virginia’s worst mine disasters happened 10 years apart on ... the explosions of the Fairmont Coal Company’s No. 6 and 8 mines in Monongah, West Virginia. The blasts happened ...
For the people of Gillette, dropping coal… Nation’s largest ... the recent explosion that killed 29 West Virginia coal miners in the worst U.S. mining disaster in four… More than a week ...
"They could have a dramatic impact. They could evolve to the point where even furloughs of mining operations are considered, " West Virginia Coal Association president Chris Hamilton said.