France’s main DSO has successfully deployed one of the most capable smart meters in the world, the Linky meter, writes EDF's Mathieu Carluer.
The one-time charges are paid by new customers to get service or current customers who want to increase capacity.
HATTIESBURG, Miss. (WDAM) - The City of Hattiesburg is about six months into a $7.7 million project replacing all the residential water meters in the city.
North Carolina Senate Bill 166 (Session Law 2024-49), the majority of which became effective on September 11, 2024, amended ...
The town is currently working on a project that will upgrade the town’s water metering technology to enhance customer service ...
Now, researchers have tested if making water from fog could be a solution to the city’s troubled water supply. Using fog collectors, they found that up to 10 liters per square meter each day ... to ...
Linking Denmark and Germany, the Fehmarnbelt will carry two-lane road highways under the water ... meters of seabed materials excavated from dredging has been deposited in new areas of reclaimed land ...
SOMERVILLE — Walter Sass had a leak. Or so said the readings from his water meter. In February of last year, he said, the meter showed the pipes in his Somerville home were steadily losing large ...
The centre says temperatures are expected to rise to above 10 C to 12 C at low elevations, and freezing levels are expected to rise to 2,000 meters or higher, melting snow that will further swell ...
ALBANY — Albany County Department of Health officials described two distinct investigations—one concerning private wells near a New Scotland farm field and another examining the presence of an ...
A technology issue has caused Plano’s entire water meter system to collapse. The problem will cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for staff to manually read water meters for ...
After an alert Plano resident asked why a municipal worker was looking at their water meter, has confirmed the cause: A vendor’s failed firmware update has curbed the city’s smart water ...