A seismometer is an instrument that records the shaking of the Earth's surface caused by seismic waves. The term seismograph usually refers to the combined seismometer and recording device. The first ...
Seismographs in Virginia picked up the magnitude 7.6 earthquake in the Cayman Islands Saturday evening. The large quake hit the western Caribbean at 6:23 p.m., prompting a tsunami advisory for ...
The seismograph, Model EQ-1 (Next Generation Science), is located in a second floor classroom of the Julian Science and Mathematics Center. The unit is a horizontal beam seismograph that is designed ...
Distances from the stations to the earthquake are estimated from the difference between P and S wave arrival times: You have just figured out how far your seismograph is from the epicenter and how ...
Another possibility is that the image is from a seismograph suggesting an earthquake and all of the damage that would cause. How much damage can one person do to a planet in four years, a lot ...
We recently fixed a gauge in a well at Lodi, California, with a Bosch-Omori seismograph drum, rate 15 mm./min., and smoked paper recording. The well is known as 3612A2. It is located at lat.