WHEATLAND -- Kenneth Glass' family can only ... because some irresponsible person made a poor choice. It's not OK. There need to be consequences," Campbell said. To DeLong and any other drunk ...
The former Ballard (Huxley) prep star cruised to victory in the 5,000 Thursday in a meet record 15:11.27. The Iowa all-time ...
In the wake of a global pandemic, we’ve seen a persistent rise in demand for qualified healthcare workers. A North Texas ...
â–ª No. 2 Destiny Christian is coming off of back-to-back NorCal championships in its final two years known as Capital Christian. But despite the new name, plenty of the same faces return, including two ...
WHEATLAND, CA (March 10, 2025) – Friday morning, one unidentified man was killed in a wrong-way crash on Highway 65. Authorities responded to the scene near Wheatland Road around 9:40 a.m ...
The crash happened before 9:43 a.m. at Highway 65 and Wheatland Road. A pickup truck and a sedan were involved, CHP said.A 39-year-old Roseville man with moderate injuries was taken to a nearby ...
ALTHOUGH A SPOKESPERSON DOES SAY THAT A rollover vehicle was blocking all Highway 65 lanes near Wheatland on Thursday, Caltrans said. At least one person was killed in the crash, California ...
Sacramento Police Department vehicles are seen investigating a roadway fatality in July 2024. The agency has received $400,000 from the California Office of Traffic Safety to step up enforcement ...
SCOTTSVILLE — Leighton Williams scored 24 points to lead Wheatland-Chili to a 55-48 win over Oakfield-Alabama and etched his name into the record book in the process. Williams’ performance ...
The Wheatland Kings are on the verge of elimination following the first two games of their best-of-five playoff series against the Medicine Hat Cubs, Feb. 22 and 23. Game 1 of the series saw the ...
The pop singer will play 25 additional shows across the United States and Canada, culminating in two nights at Los Angeles’ ...