It is said of mail men and women: "Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of night will keep these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Now, we can add a firefighter to that slogan ...
Some insurers may be more willing to cover houses if the owners try to reduce wildfire risks, say insurance experts.
Mota herself has been an incarcerated firefighter, and her organisation hopes to push for greater fire safety for all people ...
A variety of new technologies aim to improve wildfire detection and help map the spread of blazes Embers from the Eaton Fire ...
The Great Falls Fire Rescue training center on 9th Street is largely unusable, limiting firefighter training, risking their safety and by extension their ability to respond to all potential ...
As fires have raged, so have citations of the prescient author Mike Davis. But in a changed world, we need new thinkers too.
Private firefighting for individual private landowners is niche Jess Wills, president of Firestorm Wildland Fire Suppression, says his business primarily focuses on contracting with the federal ...
Over a century of fire suppression efforts have conditioned Americans to expect wildland firefighters to snuff out fires quickly, even as people build homes deeper into landscapes that regularly burn.
The head of the United Aerial Firefighters Association ... "Without increased funding for wildland fire, we're going to continue to see this over and over again," Petersen said.
"New York’s expert wildland firefighting Forest Rangers were eager to answer the call and will do what they can to help in response to the extraordinary devastation in and around Los Angeles.