የህንድን የምጣኔ ኃብት በማሻሻሉ ዘርፍ ቁልፍ ሚና የነበራቸው እና አገሪቷን ለረጅም ጊዜ የመሩት ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ማንሞሃን ሲንግ በ92 ዓመታቸው አረፉ። ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ከአውሮፓውያኑ 2004- ...
A man with a rifle was seen on a rooftop minutes before shots were fired at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania, a witness ...
Charities, food banks and homeless shelters are to receive access to a £15m fund from the government to help use surplus farm ...
Ukrainian forces have captured an injured North Korean soldier who was sent to support Russia's war, South Korea's spy agency ...
ተመራጩ ፕሬዝዳንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ አሜሪካን ከዩክሬን ጦርነትና ሌሎችም የውጭ አገራት ጉዳዮች በነጠሉ ንግግሮች ነበር ለምርጫ ቅስቀሳ ሲያደርጉ የነበረው። በንግድ አጋሮች ላይ የክፍያ ገንዘብ ...
እአአ በጥር 2022 ከጉጅራት የተነሳ አንድ የሕንድ ቤተሰብ አራት አባላት ወደ አሜሪካ ለመግባት ሲሞክሩ ከካናዳ ድንበር 12 ሜትር ርቀት ላይ በቅዝቃዜ ምክንያት ሕይወታቸው አልፏል። ...
Rocco Vata's 95th-minute winner earns Watford victory over Portsmouth in a controversial match at Vicarage Road.
All times are UK and subject to change. BBC is not responsible for any changes. © 2024 BBC. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about ...
A former prisoner is enjoying his first festive period at home in years, after working in a cafe helped him to earn his freedom. Lee Jack was serving a prison sentence for his involvement in drugs and ...
"I took some photos of the house and I was so nervous, I was shaking, but I showed the leader of a baby group I went to, who ...
Billionaire Elon Musk has hailed Twitter as a bastion for freedom of expression ever since he acquired the social media site ...
Ticking is the predominant sound inside Bala Muhammad's tiny watch-repair shop, tucked away on a bustling street in the ...