When their neighborhood was threatened by the proposed El Toyon Freeway, community members got together to stop construction.
Pavement improvements are scheduled to begin as early as March 26, weather pending, on 18 miles of westbound U.S. Route 36 in Marion and Ralls counties, from 0.7 ...
The sentencing reform measure allows for treatment instead of jail, but counties are short on resources. The Legislature must ...
California has been hit with repeated storms that have dumped feet of snow in the mountains and created debris flows and ...
Two of the tornado deaths occurred in southern Missouri in the Bakersfield area of Ozark County, about four hours south of ...
State Route 36, a roadway frequently disrupted by landslides following recent storms, has reopened to limited one-way traffic ...
Route 36 has been fully closed east of Swimmer's Delight near the Devil’s Elbow picnic area due to increased slide activity, ...
In November, voters passed Proposition 36 by 68%. The measure increased penalties for certain drug and theft crimes and turned some misdemeanors into felonies.
Arizona State Sen. Wendy Rogers proposed renaming State Route 260 to Donald J. Trump Highway. The bill failed to pass the Republican-run Senate by one vote, with a final vote of 15-9. Other ...
State Route 36 on the North Coast remains closed following consecutive landslides triggered by recent storms, according to District 1 of ...
Pavement repairs on U.S. Route 36 in Livingston County will begin on Monday, March 10. The work will be done under the Canadian Pacific Railroad Bridge and the U.S. Route 65 bridge in Chillicothe.