AJ Hall with AES and Jonathan Marmillo with LineVision share a case study on the role Grid Enhancing Technologies – ...
Scientists have simulated the installment of PV modules on the balconies of cruise ship cabins. They tested the systems with ...
While power grid failures are not new, they are becoming more frequent. Conspiracy theory about America's failing electrical ...
Wednesday morning saw a record winter demand for electricity across the multistate regional electrical grid that includes ...
Utility workers from the Navajo Nation headed to Los Angeles on Thursday to help rebuild the electrical grid damaged by ...
Energy is everything — it fixes inflation, it absolutely secures us from a defense standpoint,” Justice told The Post. “The only way that that civilization has ever ...
In practice, one of the most recent incidents was in 2021, when approximately 3 GW of power were unexpectedly lost in Poland, ...
Electric heavy-duty vehicles offer significant advantages, including reduced noise pollution and lower emissions. However, ...
Hundreds of people in the Runnells area were without power for several hours this morning as wind chills dipped to 30 below ...
Digital twins, augmented and virtual reality, AI and the Internet of Things are part of an immersive and highly connected digital space that’s changing how organizations operate.
Plus: Pay attention when ordering tickets online; beware of new “smishing” scams; and National Grid’s customer service failures.
As China builds a supergrid, the West must modernize its energy infrastructure for resilience, decarbonization, industrial strength, and economic prosperity.