A vítima, Zilda, de 55 anos, sofreu diversas facadas, agressões físicas severas, e depois foi jogada em um rio para morrer ...
As Dragon Ball GT's final villain, Omega Shenron receives a lot of attention, but there's a lot about this evil Shadow Dragon ...
O governo Lula adotou extrema cautela nas horas que se seguiram ao anúncio da Casa Branca em taxar em 25% o aço e o alumínio do Brasil. As tarifas entraram em vigor nesta quarta-feira (12).
Dragon Ball Super is currently in the middle of a hiatus with no announced plans to return, but the manga should come back ...
We review a filler episode of Dragon Ball Z with a glaring continuity error that shows how unnecessary these plots are.
Black Frieza's introduction in the series changed everything as it showed the new strongest mortal in the multiverse, so can ...
Before Future Trunks appeared and killed Frieza and King Cold, another character took care of them in Dragon Ball Z.
While this form has a glorious appearance, it's also the only major transformation that Frieza relies on in Dragon Ball Super ...
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End redefines strength in anime, setting it apart from traditional shonen battles like Goku vs ...
O SC Braga recebeu o Racing Power FC num encontro referente à 17ª jornada da Liga BPI.  As minhotas dominaram o confronto do ...
The art in question is for the 24th volume of Dragon Ball Super’s manga, collecting the latest individual chapters of the ...
Um jovem de apenas 18 anos assassinou sua mãe, de 61, após uma discussão em Santo André, na Grande São Paulo. O crime ...