In Steven Soderbergh's supernatural thriller Presence, a family finds they aren't alone in their new house. It's a ghost ...
I love all things horror, but I've never been someone to seek out hauntings in real life. Precisely because I've seen so many ...
Disneyland guests have been riding Doom Buggies for 55 years now, but what story is the attraction trying to tell?
When Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion reopens Saturday in its classic, non-holiday form it will essentially mark the completion of a nearly yearlong refurbishment project, one that added significant ...
While haunted-house films like the 1992 Indian supernatural thriller Raat have long conjured dread by adopting the POV of the evil presence intermittently as it prowls through the house, spies on its ...
The challenge for Walt Disney Imagineering is fitting a rethemed scene in the limited space above the stretching room.
The camera is the ghost in Steven Soderbergh’s chillingly effective, experiential haunted house drama “Presence.” ...