Singer-songwriter Jason Sinay is best known for his work with Heartbreaker Mike Campbell, and has recalled a career of ...
When Mick Jagger and Keith Richards first wrote this early track, they deemed it "tripe", keen to bin it before their manager ...
Mick Jagger is the archetypal rock frontman, but Keith Richards once compared The Rolling Stones singer to Liam Gallagher, ...
Keith Richards might have accolades as the human riff machine, but he has a certain number of licks he'd take to the grave.
Sinay landed a gig as house band guitarist at an LA jam night led by Waddy Wachtel, and found that wasn't quite the case.
Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards was honored Wednesday with a new award that recognizes Connecticut residents for ...
Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards once ended up with a black eye from his guitar idol, but even Richards knew he was in ...
Keith Richards became the inaugural recipient of Connecticut’s Governor’s Award of Excellence. The Rolling Stones guitarist was recognized for his contributions enriching Connecticut’s cultural and ...
Keith Richards & Patti Hansen: The rock star/model marriage that’s lasted 40+ years In 1979, Richards met model Patti Hansen at Studio 54. You might think that a rock star and a model meeting at ...
Keith Richards, the legendary guitarist and founding member of The Rolling Stones is the recipient of a first-ever type of ...