In unscripted remarks during a ceremony for a new SEZ in Batang, Central Java, the President shrugged off his critics, ...
The President and the DEN head have both stressed the need to cut red tape for the benefit of businesses operating in the ...
Indonesia's parliament has passed a controversial amendment that critics say gives the military greater influence over civil ...
By bno - Jakarta bureau Indonesia’s parliament has approved a controversial amendment granting military personnel greater ...
Indonesia's parliament is set to sign an agreement to formalise maritime boundaries with Vietnam next month Indonesia and ...
India’s school feeding program provides valuable lessons for Indonesia’s Free Nutritious Meal (Makan Bergizi Gratis) program.
Indonesian activists are protesting a new law allowing active-duty military members to serve an expanded role in the civilian ...
Indonesia’s newly revised military law expands the role of the armed forces in civilian affairs and undoes the ...
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Digital Silk Road (DSR), China’s ambitious initiative to shape critical digital ...
It is increasingly clear that the Trump administration's goal in deploying tariffs is not simply to remake the global trade ...
Indonesia's parliament on Thursday amended a law to allow members of the military to hold more government roles, despite ...