The panel that evaluated proposals for ambulance service unanimously recommended a new provider be given the exclusive right ...
Holland is almost ready to issue a request for proposals for the relocation of an historic greenhouse to Centennial Park.
Covington is looking for high-capacity social service providers to spend almost $700,000 to help vulnerable populations. As ...
The Canandaigua City Planning Commission on Wednesday reviewed a slate of proposals, including a rezoning request for a large-scale residential development, an application for a seasonal fireworks ...
If City Hall awards the rink concession to the Trump Organization, it would link the popular tourist destination at the foot ...
If SpaceX gets its way, the Space Coast will get a lot more rocket rumbles and sonic booms as the company increases Falcon 9 ...
European Union countries are discussing making the bloc's binding gas storage goals more flexible, over concerns that the ...
Thursday's deadline for federal agencies to submit plans for large-scale layoffs kicks off a new phase in the dramatic ...
The Jefferson County Commissioners are looking into what it will take to replace the county’s outdated, failing phone system. Auditor E.J. Conn said Friday he’ll ask commissioners to issue a request ...
Initial call-out to developers to submit their ideas for a convention center/hotel complex could happen in late April.
One year stats: Of the more than 6,000 calls the program responded to last year, 96% were handled without law enforcement ...
United Illuminating claimed PURA acted unfairly in denying much of its 2023 request for an increase in CT customers’ electric ...