While taking backup our goal is to keep the application, database system, and web site, in running condition while we are taking the backup. Database backup technique can be classified mainly into two ...
If you are familiar with Photoshop then it is well and good. If you are a fresher then don't worry, Today i gonna tell you about Mask and types of Mask. Ok now the question arise "What is Mask??" ...
Hi Readers, We can download video file from Youtube if we know youtube URL of the video. First you need to add attached files (HCYoutubeParser) into your project. Now you need to call following ...
how to increase the size of icon inside floating action button ????? I'm trying to put plus icon inside floating action button. I have tried with 48dp, 72dp, 96dp icons, but still the icon is looking ...
For many business owners and entrepreneurs, having a secure mailbox with a real and legitimate street address can prove to be very important to their business. Often, the business owners work out of ...
Software development has emerged as one of the essential professional fields in modern society because of the profound effects technology has on every aspect of our daily lives. People use technology ...