In Naoko Yamada’s colourful anime, a trio of teen outsiders form a band, enabling them to escape the challenges of everyday life. Shy Totsuko sees people as colours. She’s attracted to fellow pupil ...
Attraction, insecurity and aggressive power play figure in Roman Polanski’s superb debut feature. Polanski’s feature debut – one of the most impressive in all cinema – is a model of modest but ...
An action-packed epic about an IAS officer’s determination to fight the good fight against corruption. Ram Charan (RRR) plays an honest IAS officer determined to rid the political system of corruption ...
Experience David Fincher's timeless thriller SE7EN in IMAX for the very first time! Two cops (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) track a brilliant and elusive killer who orchestrates a string of horrific ...
The good, the bad and the tacky. Indulge in a spectacular feast of action trailers. At its best, it’s the perfect two minutes. At its worst, it can feel the length of a movie. Has your favourite part ...
Sink your teeth into the first three films of this hugely popular vampire franchise, showing on the UK’s largest screen. Valentine’s Weekend vampires are invited for an all-night trilogy of Twilight, ...
Simba, having become king of the Pride Lands, is determined for his cub to follow in his paw prints while the origins of his late father Mufasa are explored. Told in flashbacks, the story introduces ...
Dai Miyamoto's life is turned upside down the day he discovers jazz. A former high school basketball player, Dai picks up a saxophone and begins practising day and night, determined to become one of ...
Bone-chilling beings on the biggest screen. Since the early days of cinema, vampires and other supernatural beings have frequently been used as a metaphorical device in horror to tap into our fears.
Follow Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway beyond our galaxy in this futuristic magnum opus, screening in IMAX 70mm. Become a BFI Member and enjoy £2 off BFI IMAX tickets for you and your guests.