Mia Roberts Perez, one of the candidates elected yesterday to Philadelphia’s Court of Common Pleas, will be bringing more diversity to the bench where there are currently only a few Latino judges in a ...
City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. plans to introduce a bill Thursday that would make two official Muslim holidays in Philadelphia. Jones said it is an issue of providing the same “holiday access” that ...
The former mayor of Iguala Jose Luis Abarca and his wife, who are linked to the disappearance of 43 students, were arrested in Mexico City this morning. The arrest was made in the area of Iztapalapa, ...
Nestled on the corner of Fairmount and 6 th Avenue in Philly’s trendy neighborhood of Northern Liberties, Guatemalan chef Charles Alvarez is serving up some of the city’s most innovative Latin Fusion ...
This weekend, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party held their summer meetup in Allentown where they rolled out the party’s first Latino caucus. Back in 2014, select committee members began whispering in ...
Desde que cambió Bogotá por Queens, John Leguizamo se ha cubierto el rostro con un buen número de máscaras, transformándose en villano, comediante y hasta en un oso perezoso en la versión azucarada de ...
El Senado de Puerto Rico ha aprobado el proyecto de ley, que ahora debe pasar a la Cámara, que propone celebrar el próximo 11 de junio una consulta sobre el estatus en la que las dos opciones son ...
Hoy, martes 14 de enero a las 2 de la tarde, Alejandro Giammattei tomará posesión de su nuevo cargo como presidente de la república de Guatemala, luego de más de quince años de intentos por ser jefe ...
Los Ángeles, 12 jul (EFE).- El documental "Precious Knowledge", que se exhibe la próxima semana en el Festival Internacional de Cine Latino de Los Ángeles (LALIFF), revela las tensiones provocadas por ...