See related article at KEY POINTS Opioids prescribed by clinicians can lead to opioid use disorder, opioid misuse, and other opioid-related harms. A single opioid prescription is not without risk and ...
A 27-year-old woman presented to the internal medicine clinic with 15 days of neck swelling associated with a dull aching pain. An examination revealed a single, well-defined, mobile swelling ...
Dienes and colleagues are to be commended for discussing orthostatic hypotension, an underrecognized condition, in their recent CMAJ article.[1][1] In the extensive list of causes of orthostatic ...
Lower estrogen levels affect urogenital mucosal immunity through reduced mucosal tissue antimicrobial peptides and immunoglobulin A, impaired function of macrophages and dendritic cells, thinning of ...
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic period was associated with increased alcohol consumption. We sought to estimate excess mortality and hospitalizations attributable to alcohol use in Canada between ...
Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic rheumatic inflammatory disease. Before the advent of biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, treatment was often ineffective, and severe ankylosing ...
Les étudiants et étudiantes doivent avoir la possibilité de se former en milieu rural pour acquérir une expérience adéquate du domaine de la médecine rurale et se forger une identité professionnelle à ...
Andrews, John W., Salt Spring Island (C.-B.); University of London (Angleterre), 1954; ancien médecin militaire, Aviation royale canadienne; obstétrique et gynécologie. Décédé le 2 octobre 2024 à ...
Chez la patientèle présentant des signes cliniques d’infection nécrosante des tissus mous, l’imagerie n’apporte que peu de valeur ajoutée et est associée à des retards dans le diagnostic et la prise ...