“For the first time in our 134-year history, The College of Idaho is offering a Master of Applied Public Policy,” said McKay Cunningham, Program Director of MAPP at The College of Idaho. “This isn’t a ...
As the only natural history museum in the region encompassing southwestern Idaho, southeastern Oregon, and northern Nevada, The College of Idaho's Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History is the ...
Accommodations are available under special circumstances. Click here to register for an audition. Auditioning puts students in consideration for one of many available music scholarships and is not ...
The College of Idaho is dedicated to maintaining a campus environment free from bias, discrimination and harassment. We believe that everyone has the right to pursue their education and work in a safe ...
The College of Idaho admits students of any sex, race, color, age, religion, disability, national and ethnic origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other basis protected ...
The projector sits under a 24-foot dome. The projector can show northern and limited southern constellations, all planets visible to the unaided eye, the sun, moon, a few deep space objects, and both ...
Quest, The College of Idaho’s award-winning magazine for alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends, is published two times each year. If you have a story or an alumni note to share please contact ...
The College of Idaho supports its students in applying for a range of external awards, fellowships, and graduate scholarships. It is best to begin preparing for these awards very far in advance, it is ...
The Whittenberger Planetarium has been serving primarily as a public outreach facility since 1970. It is the annual destination of thousands of people throughout the Treasure Valley and beyond.
Financial assistance at The College of Idaho comes in several forms: merit-based scholarships, talent-based scholarships, need-based aid, federal loans and grants. Each student is automatically ...
The primary administrative contact for grant proposal submissions is the Director of Academic Grants & Awards, who can help faculty members identify appropriate sources of funding and create a strong, ...