The abortion issue had arisen during the recent state election as the outgoing Labor Party sought, with some success, to retain their Brisbane inner suburban seats by campaigning that an LNP ...
The "stakeholder" classes (hello George Megalogenis) are thrilled, now we're 30% overseas born and 50% "migrant origin". Bit like a Middle East autocracy.
Each year I try and put the season into a Christian perspective because, as plenty of scholars, from Tom Holland to Augusto Zimmermann have demonstrated, even if we think it isn't, ours is still a ...
In the years since I was first tempted to engage in trying to understand the real issues behind power generation - especially electrical power generation - there is, above all, one salient feature ...
Russia’s potential Arctic-based revival will also have implications for the rise of a multi-polar world. This is a move away from the current era of dominant US supremacy to a multi-polar world in ...
The Arctic is coming in from the cold. President-elect Donald Trump has reopened the question of the US acquiring Greenland. This is the third US attempt. The Trump comment has focussed attention on ...
Hamas' horrific October 7 attack and Israel's massive retaliatory war have fundamentally changed the dynamic of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. New political, psychological, and factual regional ...
In 2025, Malaysia became the chair of ASEAN, taking over from the Lao PDR. At the same time, Malaysia becomes a partner country under the new tier below full membership in BRICs. During Malaysia chair ...
Throughout the English-speaking world elites are falling over themselves to believe the very worst of their own countries. Let's consider Canada. In May 2021 an Indian band in Kamloops, British ...
The Arctic could become a new Mediterranean. For the first time in its history, the Arctic looks set to play a larger role in world politics. The Arctic could provide the shortest route between the ...
Maybe, and maybe not. As Shakespeare remarked, in a play set 44 years before the time of Christ, 'There are tides in the affairs of men.' It certainly feels like a tide has turned in our affairs.
The sustainability of enterprises has been an important issue in business management for decades. It was talked about by management giants like Peter Drucker, where sustainability was seen in a ...