Audio Note is elusive. If you are an avid reader of cellulose hifi magazines, you may have read appraisals from those top-class reviewers. Perhaps their product's unbelievable price tags are one of ...
This is not the first time TNT-Audio reviews JPS cables. For example, I tested the reference SuperConductor 2 interconnects and the Power AC mains cable while Nels Ferré reviewed the UltraConductor ...
It is not often you get to review an audio component that has its very own page on the wikipedia. Or one that has been around for almost 35 years. One that sold over three million units in that time.
Ultimamente sto utilizzando nel mio ambiente di ascolto una soluzione semplice ed economica a diversi problemi di acustica ambientale; i risultati che ho ottenuto sono stati davvero incoraggianti, ed ...
A while ago a friend pointed my interest to a tuning article for old style SME tonearms, a bronze knife edge bearing. As I have always been an afficionado of old SME tonearms, I wanted to give it a ...
Pioneer is an old Japanese company which hardly requires an introduction, I think all of us must have heard about them and have come in touch with their products at one time or another. Lately, ...
For some time, I've been surfing into the Jolida website and looking around just for curiosities sake. Nels and his reviews of the Jolida gear have always intrigued me. After seeing the truly ...
NuForce product range includes a few of the best sounding "class D" or non-conventional amplifiers in the most recent years. TNT Readers already met their Reference 9 power monoblocks, monsters that ...
JPS Labs is a US Company founded in 1990 by Joe Skubinski, a man who knows how to design HiFi gear in a really different way. His cables are made out of aluminium and, thanks to the fact that Joe ...
The Chambers online dictionary defines 'hobby' as "an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working". Note the word 'pleasure'. And of course pleasurable it should be! I used to ...
My, my, there are so many many audio amplifiers to choose from, in fact far too many and the task can seem daunting and just too hard. How to meaningfully differentiate? From my vantage point in New ...
Se avete frequentato qualche negozio audiophile o qualche Mostra del settore non avrete potuto non far caso alla popolarità di certi dischi, usati di frequente per prove di apparecchi o di impianti.