Food insecurity is not just about empty stomachs; it’s about dignity, health and the fundamental right to thrive, write ...
After an extended round of appeals, the redo of the sentencing hearing for convicted cop-killer Seifullah Abdul-Salaam is set ...
Komar Industries said Wednesday it will move a subsidiary company from Charlotte to York, bringing 160 jobs and $11.5 million ...
The Polk County Election Office is trading its decades-old downtown location for a new headquarters on Des Moines' north side.
The Teachers Association of Baltimore County (TABCO) rallied outside of Perry Hall High School Wednesday evening, ahead of the Baltimore County budget town hall meeting.
This week, the first of three “continuous-flow intersections” will open on a nearly three-mile stretch of U.S. 85 that’s ...
Anderson County is transforming 24 abandoned properties into homes for families in need. The county is partnering with ...
The newly acquired property will be added to one of the trust's existing preserves to help preserve wetlands and wildlife ...
A second team All-FC player a year ago, Hamman hit .343 with 23 hits, 16 RBIs, three doubles, three triples and 17 runs ...
Emergency dispatch said a school bus and a car were involved in a rear-end collision around 7 a.m. on Thursday.
A special election for Cayuga County clerk will take place on November 4 to fill the seat vacated by Brian Scanlan, who ...
JEA says it can prevent a repeat of last summer when irrigation systems in Nocatee lost pressure. But that will come with ...