We asked experts which symptoms are most likely to be misdiagnosed as anxiety.
The spine protects the spinal cord and spinal nerves, which control movement and sensation. Your cervical spine, located in your neck, is the upper part of your spine. An ACDF is a complex spine ...
Most people with cervical ... brain could cause dizziness and blackouts. Compression of the spinal cord also affects balance and strength, and may even cause bowel and bladder control problems.
At each vertebral level in the cervical spinal, a pair of nerves exit through small openings called the intervertebral foramen. These nerves control the motor function and sensation to muscles ...
Migraine cases are almost always accompanied by severe dizziness. Research shows that at certain moments, certain nerves are activated that make you feel pain so sharp that it feels like needles are ...
January is cervical cancer awareness month. Each year more than 13,000 women are diagnosed. 4,000 will die. While studies indicate a decline in new diagnoses, reports indicate there’s still a ...