SEBI also impounded Rs30.55 crore, the wrongful gains earned from the prima facie front-running activities, while directing these 21 entities to deposit the money in an escrow account. "I find that ...
For example, in this particular operation, an associate of Parekh named Sagar is seen asking another front-runner entity Sumit Sonthalia for Rs 50 lakh, saying that Boss (Parekh) needs the money.
By Eliza Shapiro “MONEY IN YOUR ... Mr. Adams stood in front of a gigantic scroll listing his efforts to build “a safer, more affordable city” in 2024. New York is facing a once-in-a ...
Start today and you might have money in time to pay off your Christmas credit card bill this time next year. The no-spend challenge means cutting out all non-essential spending in January.
Nearly $3 trillion of U.S. debt is expected to hit maturity in 2025, much of it of a short-term nature. That could provide another headache should the market not be prepared to absorb what already ...
Corbin Burnes’ agreement with the Arizona Diamondbacks early Saturday morning left the Baltimore Orioles without a bona fide ace, further emphasizing the need to look elsewhere for pitching help.
Wayne Rooney's sacking by Plymouth has left him facing fresh embarrassment with the TV documentary following him now up in the air. Rooney endured an awful reign in charge of the Pilgrims ...
Russell Wilson confirms the team he wants to play for next season after Steelers loss to Ravens in playoffs If Blue Origin wants to give SpaceX a run for its money, it has a lot of catching up to do ...