Middle-aged and older adults with trouble seeing, hearing or both may face a higher risk of having a stroke or heart attack ...
The Montezuma-Cortez school district recently announced a LOR Foundation donation of $9,048 that has allowed the district to ...
More than 20% of Hawai‘i residents are over the age of 65 years old, possibly making them more at risk for eye diseases, ...
Google and Perceptra, a Google technology licensing partner, are joining forces to provide AI-powered diabetic-retinopathy (DR) screening to around 1 million people in underserved communities across ...
Astigmatism is an eye condition that causes blurred vision at all distances. It occurs when the cornea or lens of the eye has an abnormal shape, causing light to focus in multiple places. Symptoms can ...
The HHSC Blindness Education, Screening and Treatment (BEST) Program is spreading awareness about vision loss during Low Vision Awareness Month in February. The BEST program works with Prevent ...
February is Low Vision Awareness Month, and each year in Ohio, nearly 4,000 children suffer serious eye injuries each year that could lead to permanent vision loss.
He continues, "While there are natural ways to maximize one's genetic height potential during growth phases, it is usually not possible to achieve significant height increases in adults." ...
The Hamilton Lions Club recently launched its 44th annual Pre-school Vision Screening Service project. The club has so far visited three schools and screened 71 children.
"Our long-term vision is to match patient specific metabolic profiles of a disease with the mode of metabolic interference of thousands of compound candidates to unravel the best medication able ...