Check out the latest Age of Empires Mobile trailer to see what you can expect from the Mercenaries System for the strategy game. You can unlock the Mercenary Camp at Level 26, where you can contract ...
Age of Empires Mobile is set to introduce a brand new Mercenary troops system that will let you deploy new units normally ...
This year’s finalists for the World Video Game Hall of Fame include trailblazers in esports, electronic pets and portable gaming, as well as the arcade favorite brought to life in a 1998 episode of ...
Microsoft’s Satya Nadella launched Copilot for Gaming, an AI assistant that enhances gaming experiences by providing ...
Microsoft has announced Copilot for Gaming, which is meant to do all that Copilot already does, but for video games instead.
Copilot for Gaming is an AI-powered tool for Xbox that can help you download games and then coach you through them.
Xbox has announced Copilot for Gaming, an AI assistant that can download games on request, provide tips, and much more.
Xbox Game Pass has expanded its offering with 529 games as of March 2025, adding four new titles this month and another set ...
World’s End has just announced details for the Age of Empires IV: Knights of Cross and Rose DLC, coming this spring.In a blog ...