Can't wait? Select your zodiac sign to read your daily horoscope and find out what you can expect from astrology tomorrow What does home feel like to you? Not just as a physical space, but as a ...
Who is walking alongside you? Who sees your vision, holds space for your wildest ideas, encourages you when doubt creeps in? Today is a reminder that you don’t have to do it alone. Community ...
Growth always does lead to change, dear Aries. Yet, in this case, the change that occurs may take you by surprise. The Moon in Scorpio represents a change in your feelings or desires within your ...
The words you choose today matter. Not just what you say but how you say it and to whom. There’s a conversation waiting to happen, a moment of clarity just beyond reach. Maybe it’s something ...
Something has a hold on you, and it’s not letting go. A memory, a desire, a conversation left unfinished. You can feel it in your body and how your breath catches when you think about it.
There’s an edge to your feelings right now, sharp, intoxicating, and impossible to ignore. You want something real. Not the watered-down version, not the polite ...
Love should never ask you to hide anything, Capricorn. The Scorpio Moon reveals something that you or your partner have been hiding. This may not be a matter that would end the relationship, but ...
Keep your chin up, sweet Cancer. The Scorpio Moon will help get you in touch with your innermost feelings, but it may also cause you to adopt a negative perspective toward your romantic life.
What does home feel like to you? Not just as a physical space, but as a sensation, as a knowing? There’s something shifting here, maybe a need to retreat, to return to something familiar, or to ...
There’s something in the quiet that’s asking to be heard. A whisper from your subconscious, a truth you’ve been avoiding. The more you try to outrun it, the louder it gets. Slow down.
You can’t pretend you don’t care. The distance, tension, and unspoken weight between you and another are all pressing down. The truth is, you want connection, but not at the cost of your own ...
Don't act impulsively, Aries. You are prone to jumping to conclusions and rushing toward a finish line without much strategy. While your tenacious spirit benefits you often, today is a day to heed ...