I looked around the circle of little faces in the living room as we read our evening Bible story. There was nothing in me ...
As we went to church this morning, is it just a habit of going? Most people go to church on Sunday and some have the habit of ...
This renovated four-bed, four-bath, 4,050-square-foot ranch home in the Poplar Woods Estates subdivision in Goshen features ...
SOUTH BEND — Area Mennonites joined together late Wednesday afternoon at Jon Hunt Plaza, South Bend, calling on federal and state governments to extend love and compassion to immigrants and ...
We are having beautiful spring weather lately.
First Light Mission, a Goshen nonprofit which provides resources and shelter for people in crisis, will hold their "Empty Bowl Project Soup Supper" on Saturday from 5 to 8 p.m. at Goshen First Church.
Add 3 cups more flour. Let raise to double bulk. Roll out and spread with melted margarine. Sprinkle brown sugar on top and then cinnamon. Roll up. Cut up about ¾ to 1 inch in width. Let rise. Bake in ...
GOSHEN, Ind. -- The Goshen Public Library is inviting the public to their free Earth Day-themed programming throughout April.