Kansas lawmakers have ushered in substantial tax reform over the past few years, but legislators say the state still has more ...
Florida currently has a very attractive and fair system of taxation for residents and visitors, so it makes more sense to ...
"There is much greater demand for the smaller starter homes. As such, their prices are increasing at a faster rate than the ...
Cutting this unloved levy has again become a flashpoint in some states, once more raising difficult issues of fairness.
I recently looked at a piece of property I’m interested in purchasing, using my local county tax assessor’s website. The ...
Many property owners are expressing dissatisfaction with the steep increases in their property values following the townwide revaluation by GAR Associates. During the March 11 town board meeting, ...
The new law, which will take effect July 1, limits the increase in owner-occupied residential assessments to 3% countywide for five years.
Waterbury may only get cents on the dollar on back taxes for Waterbury Hospital or nothing at all under a Chapter 11 ...
The local government in Ghana has a significant opportunity to generate substantial revenue from property owners and real ...
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis talks about cutting property taxes in Florida, a move that would cripple local governments and ...
With the new preliminary assessments now out following the town-wide revaluation by GAR Associates, many property owners are ...