Marvel has revolutionized the superhero crossover over the decades. The first major Marvel crossover came in 1939’s Marvel Mystery Comics #8, as Namor and the Golden Age Human Torch clashed for the ...
MCU Thanos actor Josh Brolin may have teased his possible DCU casting as Darkseid, but his ideal DC role is actually a ...
It all built up to this. Well, it all built up to this, and then the sequel everybody knew was on the books. Still, Avengers: Infinity War was a massive moment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ...
Tom Holland’s knack for spoilers is unmatched—check out 5 times he accidentally gave it away and still won us over!
The Marvel Cinematic Universe‘s villains are not all equally despicable. While some adversaries are one-dimensional, others come across as remarkably sympathetic. Some toe the line between hero and ...
In a twist that has the potential to upset both Marvel and DC fans, rumors are swirling the internet that DC Studios’ James ...
Discover the top 5 searched movies across genres & find out where to download them safely. Use legal platforms to enjoy these ...
It seems The Russo Brothers and Steven McFeely are still working on the script for Marvel Studios' Avengers: Doomsday, and ...
Considering all these factors, let's take a look at the strongest Marvel heroes who have held a position in any Avengers lineup, spanning decades of Marvel's comic book history.
Avengers Assemble is created by writer Steve Orlando, penciled by José Luis Soares Pinto, inked by Oren Junior, colored by ...
A Marvel comics veteran, Rick Parker of Falmouth released 'Drafted' last fall. It's now drawing praise from critics.