Killer whales are the only natural predator of baleen whales—those that have "baleen" in their mouths to sieve their plankton ...
Some baleen whale species are capable of evading orcas — their only known predators — by using stealth-like communication, according to new research. Specifically, the marine mammals can sing at ...
Imagine a species with fewer individuals than seats on a school bus. Now imagine that each weighs more than the bus itself. That’s Rice’s whale, the only resident baleen whale in the Gulf of ...
The whales that travel in groups and are more likely to fight a killer whale, include right, bowhead, grey and humpback, ...
The marine animals, a type of baleen whale found in the southern hemisphere ... To reach their conclusion, researchers pored over photo identification data collected over the course of four ...
There are mainly two families of whales: baleen whales and toothed whales. There are 14 species of baleen whales including ...
Some baleen whales, or whales that have plates in their mouths to help sieve out plankton, sing low-frequency songs to not only attract potential mates but also keep them safe from killer whale ...
New research finds some baleen whale species call at such deep frequencies that they're completely undetectable by killer whales, which cannot hear sounds below 100 hertz. These also tend to be the ...
New research suggests male baleen whales looking for love sing a different tune when attracting a mate, and it all depends on if they are more likely to fight or flee from a predator. Killer ...