Band-tailed pigeons, Cooper’s hawks and other birds make homes in their canopies. Depending on the region, risks, data and local regulations, foresters might do a controlled burn on the floor of a ...
The raptor I see most along the highway has a white breast with a band of dark brown streaks across the belly, a brown back, ...
People traipse cross-country to see clouds of kites, or to catch a glimpse of a golden eagle in its highland home, and webcams fixed on the nests of ospreys, owls and peregrine falcons draw huge ...
Like a scene from a Hitchcock movie, birds are dying in Lamorinda. At least one flock of approximately 30 band-tailed pigeons in Orinda has already been devastated, says Dr. Guthrum Purdin of Lindsay ...
Some of the species I recall from those early trips included the clown-faced acorn woodpeckers, large band-tailed pigeons, jet black phainopeplas and ubiquitous Anna’s hummingbirds. The Pasadena ...
Driving on Vermont’s Interstate highways in winter, I often notice large hawks perched in trees on woodland edges at regular ...
The raptor I see most along the highway has a white breast with a band of dark brown streaks across the belly, a brown back, ...