Another year of dry conditions could hurt production for farmers growing crops and raising livestock in the region.
U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington believes Congress will pass a new Farm Bill, the first since 2018, by the fiscal year's end.
That garden soon bloomed into a full-time, 14-lot farm in Harvey, DaBackYardFarm. As the USDA cuts the funds that made the backyard business possible, they fear it won’t survive the financial drought ...
Below-average rainfall continues to make it difficult for farmers as soil moisture levels dry out and stock feed and water ...
At the ripe old age of 91, Peter Whitford has seen a lot of change in the dairy farming game. He’s been milking cows since ...
New research finds that global warming has significantly reduced the amount of water that's being stored around the world in ...
Farming in South Australia is “on death row” and has reached a potentially life-threatening state with soil still dry and ...
ten to 14 hours a day because I believe in this farm,” she said. Typically in the spring and summer months, the animals will graze the pastures, according to Harrison. But after the drought hit ...
Wheat producers are in a tough position due to drought right now, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialist.
How long tariffs stay in place — and how much relief the federal government provides in the meantime — could decide the fate of some Kentucky farmers.
Alf Kinzett has been feeding out since Christmas and will need to buy more feed for winter.