We've got your streaming plans sorted with a curated list of the very best movies available on Netflix right now.
Finding quality content for middle schoolers is tough—namely because everything they used to like is now “too babyish” and ...
This glossy-yet-emotionally brutal drama follows four wildly attractive people (Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, ...
There are the classic films that tend to appear on every other movie listicle (I’m looking at you Clueless and Forrest Gump) as well as the little-known movies that you probably last watched in a high ...
L et's be honest: the best action movies are often better—or at least more entertaining—than the best movies from any other ...
But if you’re daunted by all the good movies on Max to choose from, we’ve got your back. Below, we’ve put together a curated ...
These seven movies on Netflix, Hulu and more are perfect for those who aren't the biggest fans of romance, and prefer to witness messy on-screen heartbreak.
Spring has sprung, and with it comes a fresh bouquet of offerings at the local cineplex. While not summer blockbuster season ...
Plus, the critically acclaimed drama "Sing Sing" has made its way to Max, and Netflix has added a tense action flick and a new Korean thriller. Below, you can find a list of the best new movies on ...