The bishops of the United States and Venezuela are both opposed to the Trump administration’s looming elimination of temporary protected status (TPS) for recent Venezuelan immigrants.
The Catholic bishops of their respective dioceses have more modest things at stake: food, a $500 donation, and bragging rights. Even so, the bishops are talking some clerical smack over their ...
The Catholic bishops of their respective dioceses have more modest things at stake: food, a $500 donation and bragging rights. Even so, the bishops talked some clerical smack earlier this week ...
The U.S. bishops’ conference drew attention to the global crisis of “modern-day slavery” in a statement for the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking.
Bishop Shanahan 78, WC Henderson 62 WEST CHESTER HENDERSON (62) Thomas 2 5-6 9, Pierce 6 4-4 17, Wesley 1 2-2 4, Cherup 0 0-0 0, DeLucia 3 5-7 12, Reinheimer 0 1-2 1, Manion 3 2-2 11, Alqatania 1 ...
MANILA, Philippines — At least 50 bishops, including Cardinal Pablo Virgilio David, the bishop of Caloocan and president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), strongly ...
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde joined "The View" on Wednesday to discuss her "mercy" plea to President Donald Trump at a prayer service this week, saying it was impossible for her viral message not to ...
The new vice president, a Catholic convert, accused the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops of resettling “illegal immigrants” in order to get federal funding. New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan ...
Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha of the Diocese of Fall River weighed in on these recent changes Friday, Jan. 31, issuing the following statement: "A foundational teaching of our Catholic faith makes ...
President Donald Trump blasted Mariann Edgar Budde, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, after she directed politically charged remarks towards him during an interfaith service of prayer ...
Donald Trump sat stony-faced as a bishop told him to "have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now" at an interfaith prayer service. The US president began day two of his second ...