Among the starts who joined Israeli actress, producer and activist were Gal Gadot, Cindy Crawford and Van Jones.
Opelousas Museum and Interpretive Center members Aglaia Venters, Ph.D., left, and Victor Smith, right, light the candles of the menorah.
On eight consecutive nightfalls, Jews gather with family and friends to light one additional candle in the menorah — a ...
A gathering to mark the “Festival of Lights” lit up Fifth Street on Tuesday as dozens gathered to light a menorah and catch gelt from Loveland Fire Rescue Authority’s tower crane engine.
In the end, they triumphed and sought to light a Menorah – the Jewish word for ... when the eighth candle is finally lit and the last family gatherings and gift exchanges are held.
The parade later ended at Independence Mall near the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History where hundreds gathered in the rain to see the lighting of a 32-foot-tall menorah.
(Photo by Chaya Mishulovin) Hot chocolate, donuts, fire dancing, latkes, a gelt drop and of course the lighting of a candle marked the public Hanukkah menorah lighting ceremony in downtown Skokie ...
WESTFIELD - Members of the Westfield community joined together on Sunday, Dec. 29 for the Community Menorah Lighting at the Elm Street Plaza on the fifth night of Hanukkah. Rabbi Shahar Colt led ...