Major works underway at Falmouth Docks as the port enters a new era of positive investment in the infrastructure to accommodate offshore ...
S.C. Dept. of Environmental Services proposes to reissue General Permit SC-GP-97-001 to authorize construction/installation, repair, and maintenance of private ...
Candidates vying for a seat on the Port of Astoria Commission this May agree on at least one thing so far: Something needs to be done about the East Mooring Basin. These days, its docks see more ...
Abandoned boats are common in SC and Charleston waters but often hard to remove due to high salvage costs or state ...
Drystan Jones director port development, APCL Falmouth, director, general manager Falmouth Docks and Engineering ... a feasibility study for a mooring and anchoring R&D centre in Cornwall (in ...
A £1 million project to put Falmouth at the forefront of floating offshore wind development in the Celtic Sea by creating 30,000 square metres of dockside space is well underway.
"We've had, certainly, vessels that were cut free … off their moorings. … All those kinds of things ... including supporting public ownership of boat ramps, docks and other fishing infrastructure and ...
A peek at Palm Cay at the southeastern tip of New Providence shows docks packed to the brim with ... We need to add more mooring buoys. We are a nation of 100,000 miles of open water.
Mooring at HMAS Stirling on Garden Island, the stealthy, state-of-the-art vessel is in Australia under the AUKUS deal, which is providing the US, UK, and Australian navies the chance to swap ...