For those who don't remember, the PS2 was seen as the weaker console graphically compared ... This is true, but here's the thing: all of these original Call of Duty games were not just spectacular ...
By that point in the PS2’s lifetime, the console’s big ... not entirely unlike Assassin’s Creed or Call of Duty. (Just without the reliable frequency, since making the Norse games sounds ...
He's typically rambling about Metal Gear Solid, God Hand, or any other PS2-era titles that rarely (if ever) get sequels.
Criterion always made PS2 sing, and PS3's Burnout Paradise still ... Not only did it revive the tired FPS genre and transform Call of Duty from an ok shooter into an OMG shooter, it set a ...
There was the GameCube's Viewtiful Joe and P.N.03, and PS2's Devil May Cry 2 ... community for gamers who aren’t swayed by Call Of Duty or other run and gun shooters. I want it to be a success ...
Call of Duty veteran Jason Blundell has announced that he's founded a new studio, Dark Outlaw, under the auspices of ...
Warzone's fifth anniversary feels like a great opportunity to look back on the evolution of the battle royale.
Call of Duty veteran Jason Blundell has confirmed previous reports he's heading up a new PlayStation first-party studio, revealing it to be named Dark Outlaw Games. Blundell departed Call of Duty ...
Even the controversy ( No Russian, SBMM debates, yearly crunch culture) hasn’t slowed it down. If anything, CoD thrives on ...
VividQ, a tech startup specializing in computational holography, has ported Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II to its hologram-compatible viewing format.